Deuterium is not a toxin, but a naturally occurring element, a heavier isotope of hydrogen, which is present, along with hydrogen, practically everywhere. The deuterium that we live within our bodies comes mainly from the drinks and food we ingest, which confirms the popular saying that we are what we eat and drink.
Our lifestyle also influences the accumulation of deuterium in our bodies. It was proven that a stressful life, obesity, electronic apparel, junk food, and even the country we live in become factors that affect our metabolism and handle deuterium.
Whenever we become sick or not in our best shape, it is wise to first consider the deuterium levels in our bodies. Deuterium, a heavier isotope of hydrogen, tends to replace hydrogen in our cells. It may negatively affect the functioning of those tiny organelles in the cells, the “power engines” of our bodies called mitochondria.
Mitochondria are present in all our body cells, with the highest density in the brain, muscles, and kidneys. Mitochondrial dysfunctions may indicate that our metabolism does not fully have enough energy to activate its genetic, self-healing abilities. It explains why many diseases start with headaches, muscle weakness, and kidney problems.
When this happens, it might be a good idea to do whatever is possible to help mitochondria, the energy plant for our metabolism, to function at full capacity. And there is no faster way to do this than diluting the deuterium in your body by drinking deuterium-depleted water.
Our bodies are genetically pre-programmed to achieve and maintain homeostasis (the physiological equilibrium we call “health”). To get and stay healthy, you can work along your body’s self-defending mechanisms and restore them to their full self-healing capacity.