Here is the truth: even the most potent drugs can not do what your body can do for itself. Our bodies are genetically pre-programmed to achieve and maintain homeostasis (the physiological equilibrium we call “health”). It’s common sense that the best thing you can do to get and stay healthy is to work with your body’s self-defending mechanisms and restores them to their full self-healing capacity.
Deuterium-depleted water is the simplest way to recover, prevent and shield yourself from disease. Diluting the excess deuterium in your body fluids restores the normal deuterium levels and allows the key organs involved in reaching homeostasis to work properly, keeping you healthy.
Here is another truth: deuterium-depleted water does not cure cancer, immune dysfunctions, and diseases. Its effects are even better: it puts your body in the best position to fight infections or illnesses, better respond to professional medical treatment, and be functional again as soon as possible.
Deuterium-depleted water is your best companion when you fight disease or want to avoid illness. Because of the positive effect in helping mitochondria, the power plants of your cells, produce energy at their full capacity, deuterium-depleted water is the best adjacent to your medical treatment, diet, or lifestyle.
How much deuterium-depleted water should you drink to reach an optimum state of health? Should you drink it forever? Read the answers HERE