Deuterium Depleted Water (25 HydroHealth), is THE ONLY WAY to drastically reduce the deuterium levels in the body.
To reach the goal of having a body with a low deuterium concentration drinking only 25 HydroHealth is a must, because the goal can be achieved by REPLACING the water in our bodies with deuterium depleted water.
Decreasing the level of deuterium in the tissues and organs is a natural biological process, but the body’s ability to deplete deuterium decreases as we get older, sicker and get less exercise or sunlight.This is why, 25 HydroHealth is the best solution to optimize the body functions.
The easiest way to influence the deuterium content of our body is to decrease the deuterium concentration of drinking water. This can be complemented by consuming deuterium-depleted foods. Animal fats are low in deuterium and burning fat helps your mitochondria make deuterium depleted water.
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